SuperForex has great respect for its customers, which is why we try to provide information about our company that you can verify in order to make informed decisions in the course of your work with us. In everything we do, we aim to achieve it honestly and transparently.
The International Financial Services Commission is responsible for regulating SuperForex and ensuring our services are in agreement with international law. The IFSC is an unbiased governmental regulatory organ tasked with examining SuperForex policies, services, and assets. In 2016 the IFSC increased its capital requirements so that the required minimum of funds a broker needs to own in order to operate is now $500,000.
Each year the IFSC examines SuperForex and confirms that we satisfy all of the requirements adequately. If you would like to confirm how reliable our financial services are, you are welcome to check our regulation here. For further information you can contact the IFSC.
Licensed broker is
Fight with money laundering.
Provide services, in accordance with the requirements of International legislation regulating financial services.
Insurance of the funds to guaranty payments for all of clients.
Safety and security of funds.
Liquidity Providers
Central to SuperForex’s business model is to always provide the most attractive trading conditions on the market. We are able to offer you excellent spreads on all major currency pairs because we are a No Dealing Desk broker, and as such have a working relationship with many liquidity providers. These international institutions are the basis for our always current bid and ask prices, ensuring your trading is guided by fairness and transparency.
Note that Superforex is a registered trademark. Our name and logo are internationally protected by the Office for Harmonization of the Internal Market, with registration number 014199831. Therefore it is Superforex alone that uses this brand identity, as well as our official partners that we have certified to perform an array of duties on our behalf.
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